Let's thrive in life. Here & now! 

Are you ready for the secret to being fulfilled, content and at peace?

Mind Peacefulness' online school is based on the inspirational teachings of an enlightened zen master. We are committed to showing people how they can transform their identifications with their negative self-image, fears or stress into being at peace with their experiences, with who they are and what they have.

My story

Yes, I am good enough!

In 2016 I participated in the Vision Process which was life-changing for me. The teaching completely altered the way I related to myself, thoughts and feelings; basically to everything which was going on in my mind. For example, I had always strongly believed that I wasn't good enough and now I realised that the thought 'I am not good enough didn't mean anything unless I gave it meaning. Knowing that I have that choice is empowering. Finally, my lifelong emotional drama dissolved. Instead of taking everything so seriously, a space became available for playfulness, fulfillment, and contentment. I became inspired in finding a way to pass on the guidance that had taught me so much. In 2020 I started the draft for the first online course: 'Say Hello to Feeling Good Enough'. I am so grateful for my journey. And I sincerely hope to guide you and others in transforming their harmful ways of relating with their thoughts and feelings toward inner peacefulness, kindness, and self-love.
anxiety Disorders
3.8% & 3.4%
extreme stress 
any Mental or Substance use Disorder

What our participants have to say:

Sue's coaching has had a major impact to my life. She is so supportive and responsible, and led me to some life changes that I would have never achieved by myself.
Julia Stobbard
Sue'a approach to my difficulties was excellent. She did a great job in organizing priorities and communicating the right approach to me, which led to some impressive results in my life.
Rob Stevens
I am simply amazed with how Sue managed to lead me to achieving some things that I've been failing to achieve by myself for so many years. I can't wait to see what happens next...
Kaisha Salas

Words I live by

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

— Walt Disney

Thrive in Life! 

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